2 Great Del.icio.us Tools

Just came upon two great tools for the social bookmarking service Del.icio.us. The best is a del.icio.us link backs bookmarklet, which you can drag and drop into your toolbar and then click at any page online to see who has bookmarked it and their tags and descriptions. Great for evaluating the Web2.0 hipster interest in any given URL. And for finding people of like mind. And for getting an instant review of any page online. All the more reason to use your description field to share concerns about bad sites, too.

Tool number two is almost a toy for geeks. It’s LiveMarks, where you can see the most popular and the most recent items tagged in del.icio.us appearing live on the page as it happens. It’s like TV for web nerds. I found several things of interest to me there, and I discovered it after several people visited my site from Live Marks.

The community of creative people around it is one of the reasons Del.icio.us is so compelling (and so much more so than Furl.net) Check out this list of Del.icio.us plug-ins and mashups that have been created, many of which are not part of the basic program. How many other social bookmarking services have that kind of community, culture of innovation and corporate responsiveness?

Related: Here’s my del.icio.us archive.