Business Blog Adoption: Where Does it Stand?

Blogging is a hot, hot topic these days – but how extensive is adoption so far? Not very. Check out this graph from Destination CRM: From the Editors of CRM Magazine. It was published on Nov. 1, 2005. [CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.]

Readers here may be surprised to see that the multiple-choice answer signifying the highest level of adoption is having an RSS feed included on the company Website! This study indicates to me a very low level of adoption, especially given that the respondents are readers of an industry web site.

The fact that this trade publication (and many others) wants to ask about business blog adoption tells me that thought leaders are very interested in the medium. These numbers also indicate to me a great sense of momentum. How long ago would a question like this have either never been asked or would have found even more unbalanced results?

The advantages of blogging and RSS are countless, I won’t expound on them again here. Readers may be interested in my introductions to the two concepts, found on the top of this site’s sidebar.

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