Monthly Archives: April 2006

Promoting yourself by praising your competitor

Hugh at Gaping Void, a hugely popular marketing blog, makes a really nice point….

Not only is a great story, full of local history and color, it does a superb job of pulling off what has become my favorite thing to do as a marketer:

i.e. Praising one’s competition to the hilt:

If you fancy a new suit, he’s one of the best. Hardcore old school.
Brian Staples: +44 (0) 207 734 5069.

Of course, you can only do that when [A] your praise is sincere and [B] your own product is up to snuff. Otherwise you just sound obsequious.

This is so different from traditional promotional communication! I had a client freak out last week because I posted a link to a competitor on their web site. I mean freak out. My response was: yes, your readers will find out about this resource your competitor offers (that I linked to) but they’ll remember you as the place to consistantly find the best resources from around the web. Information can’t be hidden from people anymore, it can only be gardened gracefully – that’s were your value proposition should be. Though a very nice and supportive man, this he didn’t buy. (I’m subcontracted with him and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t read this blog, but if you are reading here – there’s another piece of the discussion.)