Technorati Tag Troubleshooting

Ok, so some folks are still having trouble getting their bookmarklet set up to be indexed by Technorati’s tag search. Below is the bookmarklet.


For some reason it appears that some users are getting code that looks like this:
a rel=”tag” href=”http://
instead of like this: a href=”http://…” rel=”tag”

Now I don’t know why this bookmarklet would give you code unlike what it gives me. I really don’t. My first guess is always to wonder wether it’s a PC/Mac thing. Are folks who are using PCs getting that funky code and Mac users are getting the correct code when they push the button? Any javascript experts out there with suggestions?

Ok, I’d really like to get this figured out and move on. This should be a big time saver once we get it taken care of.

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