Want a custom Web 2.0 search engine? Here’s one!

I’d never used Google Co-op before today. Thanks to a twitter reply by Josh Bancroft in response to one of my questions, I just did. (Turns out it was Rollyo I was looking for, but I don’t like it as much so far.) If you’d like the ability to do a Google search inside the following leading web 2.0 sites – see the tool below.

“When, magic 8 ball, has my search term been used on…”

LifeHacker StartupSquad TechCrunch GigaOm Mashable PaidContent ArsTechnica CenterNetworks FranticIndustries ReadWriteWeb NewTeeVee and what the heck – http://marshallk.com !

Just drag this link to Marshall’s Magic Search to your browser toolbar or add it to your favorites and kapow! you’re searching some big blogs for company names, concepts, whatever! I regularly search TechCrunch for past posts on things I’m writing about, just by dragging the URL for a google search for site:http://techcrunch.com to my toolbar. Now I can do so much more.

Try it out:

Google Custom Search