Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tips on beginning to blog

I like this list of tips, it’s thorough and succinct. From Rob Cottingham at Social Signal, a Vacouver consultancy that you should check out if you’re interested in a key example of what people are doing in the Web 2.0 and nonprofit space. I work with Social Signal folks on Net Squared.

From their e-newsletter:

Tips on beginning to blog

1. Serve yourself. Know why you’re blogging: a sense of mission can go a long way to keeping your blog interesting, focused and on track.
2. Serve your audience. Figure out who you want to reach, and what they’re looking for (as well as what they don’t need to hear).
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SXSW notes

It’s very hot here. There are lots of people, but I’m having a hard time connecting with specific folks because the name tags are very small and the affiliations are even smaller.

I had lunch with some people from the Yahoo Publishers’ Network, thought they were going to be super corporate but actually felt great about them as people!

Getting to see quite a few web friends face to face and that’s been great.

Sorry I can’t say anything more interesting, I’ll write up a report back later. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I promise that this is the least helpful post here, all the others are better.

Writing elsewhere rounded up

Quick links to a few posts I’ve made elsewhere recently that I think are particularly interesting:

How and Why to Use FeedBurner

One of the basic steps in setting up a blog that makes the most of the medium is getting an account with No matter what blogging platform you use to write your blog, there are good reasons why you should use Feedburner. Below are some reasons why, followed by some steps on how to use the service.

First: What is Feedburner?

The simplest answer to this question is that Feedburner republishes your RSS blog’s RSS feed (or any RSS feed for that matter) to make it much friendlier, more powerful and more useful.

What am I going to get out of this?
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