I wrote a post this evening about Google’s forthcoming announcement that all Google Apps for Your Domain customers would be enabled with OpenID provider functionality within the next few weeks. It was emailed to a public list and it seems pretty clear that it wasn’t meant to be.
I think this is very important. Writing the article was an opportunity to address the tension between small innovators and big vendors in the digital freedom space. (Hey, new phrase for me, but isn’t that what this is?) That’s something I’ve been thinking about peripherally for awhile. Both are needed, people say.  Innovators on the edge to come up with crazy ideas and be authentic – big vendors like Google and Facebook to deliver the ideas to the people, validate them and grant the functionality only possible with scale. It’s not always pretty, though.
I ran with this story just as fast as I could, but I think I will revisit it because it’s a big deal. For what it’s worth, I sure didn’t start my RWW headline with “EXCLUSIVE” or anything like that – because that’s so crudely self-aggrandizing that it’s embarrassing to read.
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