Inequities in Web 2.0: Let’s Tag About It

The phenomena being called Web2.0 is disproportionately influenced by white men. Issues raised by anti-racist, anti-classist and disability and gender-rights activists in other contexts are just as relevant to this new technological and political development (Web2.0) as they are to any other.

There have been some very good articles written about this situation, including for example:

So those are just some of the posts about these issues that have been commented on a lot. But how can a person find old and new blog posts, photos, podcasts or events about these subjects? I searched inside my own and archives and in the general archive for Interestingly, there is really only one post referred to so far in

These conversations would be easier to find and keep up with if there was a common tag used. I propose this: webjustice2.0. Feel free to come up with some thing else, of course. But if that sounds good to you, then the following options are available:

  • If you use the tag in any of the following: (or any similar social bookmarking service that synchs with your account) Social Bookmarking
    Technorati Blog Search
    Flickr Photos
    43Things Goal Making/Sharing Events, Owned by Yahoo! Events not owned by Yahoo!

  • Then it will be delivered in this RSS feed: WebJustice2.0 RSS Feed
  • If you’d like to display the 10 most recent items in the feed on your website (duplicates not removed right now) then you can copy and paste the following code into your template. Feel free to change anything you like. To see a sample of what it will look like, you can look at my blog’s sidebar.

    WebJustice2.0 Discussion<br /><script type=”text/javascript” src=””><noscript><a href=””>Click for "WebJustice2.0".</a> By <a href=””>Feed Digest</a></noscript></script>

I am sending a link to this post to the authors of the above example articles and a few other people I think might be interested. This system should be easy to use, just subscribe to the RSS feed for tag and tag relevant items online. And of course if anyone wants to propose or use an alternate tag – there’s absolutely nothing stopping you. I hope this will help the discussion by enabling easier, more thorough participation.

Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , ,