My New Bio, What Do You Think of It?

Working on a new bio, anybody got any feedback on how this reads?

Marshall Kirkpatrick is the lead writer at ReadWriteWeb, one of the top technology news blogs on the internet and syndicated daily online by the New York Times. Marshall has established himself as one of the web’s leading voices on bleeding edge technology thanks to his ability to find signal buried in real-time noise – primarily through the use of innovative research systems built for crowdsourced data mining and first mover’s advantage. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two dogs, two cats and three chickens.

Above: Two thirds of said chickens.

  • Two Dogs, Two cats and three chickens!!! That gotta be a family zoo. 😆

  • 10/10 🙂

  • Get rid of the chickens. (Seriously. Dude, you live in the city.) And replace “bleeding edge” with “groovy.” (The phrase “bleeding edge” sounds like a satire of itself, but not on purpose.) Otherwise, it sounds. You know. Groovy.

  • Oh the chickens are cute!!!

  • Very nice! Though, I do believe you are missing a comma after Oregon.

    I look forward to meeting you IRL at SXSW 🙂

  • there’s a lot of chatter these days about over use of adjectives like bleeding edge and innovative, etc. make a few edits to sound less “puffy”…I just subscribed via RSS

  • Its really cool Bio na. I am laughing seriously. I nice to know that u r from ReadWriteWeb. Nice to meet u. I found u from Intensedebate

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