In case you missed it (I basically did) last week was observed as Video Blogging Week 2007.  The honorary queen of the event was the fantastic Irina Slutsky, whose newest project,
the Vloggies Show, is not to be missed. VideoBlogging week has been a great way to take a look into the breadth of video blogging that’s going on around the web these days. It’s awesome!
Participants in the event could post their video blog episodes on any hosting service they chose and then tag it videobloggingweek2007 in MeFeedia.  Pretty cool stuff.  What kinds of videos were included?  Well, lest you think video blogging is a small thing – there were more than 900 videos uploaded last week!  Over at SplashCast we indexed the RSS feed from MeFeedia and created this crazy huge SplashCast show.  It’s not all 1k videos, but it does include the most recent 168 videos in the MeFeedia feed.  And, believe it or not, any new videos given the same tag will automatically appear in this show as well.  So check it out to get an idea of the breadth of the participants.  It takes a few seconds to load for the first time, but there’s a whole lot of video in there and after the first time you press play then advancing to other shows is very fast.
If someone wanted to put this live content on their own page they could do so with ease.  Pretty cool, huh?  Lots of fun video blogs here to check out.  Hover over the blue “i” in the bottom left of any video for a link to its page on MeFeedia, complete with description and website links.
This is the kind of thing I took the job at SplashCast for.  It’s just a preview of some incredible functionality the company is going to roll out next week. Three cheers for RSS feeds and online video!