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Check that out! Couldn’t be simpler, this service called Mobber was posted on Emily Chang’s eHub. What’s the e in eHub stand for? For the e in Web 2.0 names like Mobber that didn’t get eliminated. No, but it’s nice to see that e.

If readers here and I like this, I may try shrinking it and putting it in my sidebar. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to IM with some one reading the same article you are at the same time and say “have you figured out how to get this tool to work? Marshall’s writing is incomprehensible!” Talk about the loss of control over the message that comes through a site though! It almost scares even me.

We’ll have to see how all the specifics in IMness work out in this system. Seems like a cool idea though.

I just tried another service called userplane, but it didn’t make anything appear in a blog post. That one has a Drupal plug in though, which is nice. I think I like mobber.

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