I frequently discover new blogs and I want to learn more about them. One of my favorite ways to do that is to see which posts a blog’s own readers have been most interested in. The wonderful service PostRank will check out any blog’s feed and score the posts in it based on number of comments, shares on Twitter, in-bound links from other blogs, etc. and then let you view just the most popular posts from it.
That’s cool but I’ve had enough copying and pasting and typing in postrank.com/main. So I made this bookmarklet: PostRank It
(To tell the truth, the one I made was a step less simple, then I found this page that an even better version.)
Click and drag it up to your browser’s toolbar. Then visit a blog. Then click the magic button. Check it out and click on the drop-down button that says “All Posts” and pick something different. Yay! Then come back and tell me how much you love it. Clearly I’m not the first person to think of this – but I’m not going to let that stop me from making a small post about it.