I think that’s a very nice RSS feed icon, found via Dragotown and ultimately it seems via FeedIcons.com. FeedIcons.com is dedicated to spreading a standardized feed icon, and I like the idea. No need for a slew of one-click subscribe buttons any more either now that Feedburner includes exactly that on the page for each feed.
News item number two: Have you changed your blog’s URL lately but kept the same Feedburner RSS feed? This is one of the best things about Feedburner (oh, the list of wonderful things is long though). I moved my blog over to this URL about 3 months ago and thought I was bringing all my old subscribers with me and that the transition would be a smooth one.
Bump in the road: Bloglines didn’t fully register the change, complicating my readers’ experience and somehow not including many of my Bloglines subscribers in my circulation numbers. Many were included, but it turns out that many were not. I was just getting ready to celebrate my 200th subscriber some time soon when a Bloglines reader notified me of the problem, I emailed the company and now I’m proud to say that I’m getting ready to celebrate my 300th subscriber sometime soon! You were there all along, but I had no idea. Shucks. (I still know almost nothing about nearly anyone subscribed.)
Anyway, if you are in similar circumstances (having just changed blog URLS but kept the same feed) you might go over to Bloglines and try subscribing to your feed. See what it looks like, and if you notice anything funny you might send them an email. They were very helpful and nice when I emailed them about it. Since Bloglines is one of the biggest feed reading services online, and Feedburner says that keeping your readers and numbers when changing URLs is one of their best features – you’d think these two companies would put their heads together about this.