Google Foil Sold on eBay

One of my favorite search engines,, was just sold on eBay for the modest but comfortable sum of $110,100. Check out the auction here, it’s pretty interesting!

Jux2 performs an invaluable service by demonstrating what search results Google misses and Yahoo! or find. You can also use it to find the “best results” those found by all three big search engines. This is great for several reasons. First, many people use Google exclusively for their web searches. Jux2 can help fill in the gaps so you don’t miss important information. Really, go try out some sample searches – Google misses some important stuff!

Second, Jux2 is good because people need to know that Google isn’t omniscient (whether it’s benevolent is another question.) Before we become so awestruck by the power of the most succesful search engine in the world and hand over every data finding function of our lives to it – it’s good to know it’s limitations. If only in a spiritual sense!

Thanks to Sid Yadiv at whose write up on this alerted me to the sale last night. His site is another one readers here may enjoy giving a look. He and I have been reading each others’ blogs for some time now.

Related: People interested in advancing their search capabilities may also find Soople and Xtra-Google of interest.

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