Sex+Commerce = What?

The wacky world of blog networks never ceases to amaze. The inevitable has occurred and a network of sex blogs is being launched. I emailed Madge Wienstein about it to make sure she was privy. But you know what? I don’t think I like the tag line on this network. SugarBank: Sex + Commerce. After watching the PBS show “Sex Slaves” last night it seems all the more inappropriate.

I was disappointed that even PBS documentary neglected almost 100% to address the fact that…“Trafficking of women and children for the sex industry and for labor is prevalent in all regions of the United States. An estimated 45,000 to 50,000 women and children are trafficked annually to the United States…” From

Now I’m sure that a blog written from the perspective of a sex slave trafficker wouldn’t be accepted into the SugarBank network, and I don’t mean to bait anyone by saying that, but where does the line get drawn by readers, writers, aggregators, etc. in this new web world of easy publishing? (Presumably a blog written from the perspective of some one fighting sex slave trafficking wouldn’t be accepted into the network either – and that’s interesting isn’t it?)

I don’t know how much clarity there is around this and related issues at all. Perhaps at some level it’s a personal question, but there must come a point where it’s not anymore. I’ve subscribed to the SugarBank RSS feed and will be interested to see how it turns out.

Related: Check out this blog The Center for Healthy Sex.

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