Interaction Hottest in First Hour After Writing? Not For These Augmented Reality Posts


Image 1: Traffic for Augmented Reality: 5 Barriers to a Web That’s Everywhere
Image 2: Traffic for First iPhone Augmented Reality App Appears Live in App Store

They say that interaction with articles is hottest in the first hour after you post them. I’ve always thought there was some truth to that, but some of the articles I’ve been writing about Augmented Reality lately make me think that might not be as important as I thought. (Check out this post by Sid Gabriel Hubbard explaining what AR is.)

That’s probably because they are being bandied about in social networks until they happen to hit a certain threshold of having been shared, then they go to place with higher profile and more traffic. (Front page, most popular, etc.) I imagine that posts not crossing that threshold exhibit a more traditional pattern of traffic.

It also makes me think Augmented Reality is something people want more coverage of. That’s good because I want to write more about it. I do need to post a poll asking if people think this stuff is stupid or for real, though. Definitely seeing some comments saying it’s all hype, the apps so far are dumb, etc.

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If You Think RSS is Dead Then That’s Your Loss and It’s a Big One

Sam Diaz at ZDNet tonight wrote the latest admission that he’s not using his RSS reader anymore. I have a lot of respect for Sam’s writing, but I am having a hard time believing that he and so many others say they no longer even bother to read feeds. Twitter, Facebook and aggregators like Techmeme or Google News suffice for Sam, he says. He’s far from alone.

They sure don’t suffice for me. I do get a whole lot of story leads, perspective and more from Twitter (something I wrote about in an article titled Twitter is Paying My Rent) but RSS is no less important for me today than it used to be.

I’m hesitant to write about my own research methods, to be honest, because if my competitors want to abandon RSS that’s just fine with me! But for other readers here, I will say that social media like Twitter has only added to my inflow – not replaced feeds at all.

I will tell you that I no longer use Google Reader or Netvibes. Instead, I use open source software on our own servers that is more customizable, more reliable and more efficient.
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I got a scoop!

Not living in Silicon Valley, not focusing on business as much as tech, spending half my time on administrative work and being a little more soft-headed than other tech reporters means I don’t get big fat scoops very often. Yesterday I did and it was pretty awesome. I heard word that Netscape founder Marc Andreessen was backing a new browser, based on Facebook, so I did some digging around and then published this post: RockMelt: Netscape’s Andreessen Backing Stealth Facebook Browser.

Thankfully I got a screenshot and not just news. Because of that even some people who didn’t want to link to me in subsequent coverage did.

The moral of the story is that people should tip me off to hot stuff more often. I think I did a good job covering this one (though I should have reached out to two people rumored to be involved as one has since denied it) and will do a good job covering your tips too. Send ’em to or hit me up by IM. General tips can be sent to the whole staff at but the juicy secret ones can come right here. Thanks.

Doing Some Research on the Real-Time Web; Want to Help?

I’m doing some research for a number of different projects where I’m going to need a deep understanding of the real-time web and data. I want to look beyond the standard perspective of real-time consumer web companies and learn about how it is being used in non-profits, financial services and media. I’m looking to find out what people want from real-time service providers, what obstacles there are and what kind of potential outcomes we could see unfold.

Let me know if you’ve got any thoughts or pointers to resources you’d like to share. Please also let me know if you’re someone with some free time who would like to collaborate with ReadWriteWeb staff on some research projects regarding this topic. Will be fun times.

Testing Zemanta by Itself

In my last post I wrote about testing two rich media popup tools that are very cool – Apture and Zemanta‘s new Balloons feature. It didn’t work so well to use both in the same post, so this is a post about puppies, popsicles and pennies with just Zemanta markup. If you’re reading this by RSS or email and are curious what’s going on – it’s pretty awesome, but you’ll need to click through to the site proper to see it.

Update: You can’t really use both at the same time on the same blog – Apture hijacks all of Zemanta’s balloon links. You probably won’t be able to see Zemanta links now, but I’ll be posting a full comparative review of the two services tonight or tomorrow on ReadWriteWeb.

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Testing Apture vs Zemanta Balloons

I’ve long been impressed with the rich-media popup tool Apture. If you’re actually on my site and not reading this in a feed reader, you can see the little book icon in the previous sentence. Hover over it and you’ll see a Wikipedia entry I selected to appear here. It was really easy to do using the Apture plug-in for WordPress.

Last week semantic web company Zemanta released a very similar but open source program called Balloons. I’m going to try to install that next here and compare the two services. Alex Iskold got me thinking about it. (Oh wow, look at that double LinkedIn and Twitter pop-up – that is awesome! I hate reading peoples’ names online and not being able to see where they work. This is great.)

So far Apture is pretty impressive. I did the wrong thing with it a couple of times, but I think I’ve got it down now. This post will evolve as I find the time to try out Zemanta.

Here's how a link I added to an RWW post about Zemanta Apture!

Here's how a link I added to an RWW post about Zemanta Apture!

Ok, Zemanta plug-in now installed. The company says the Balloons feature is automatically included. Let’s see.

Update: You can’t really use both at the same time on the same blog – Apture hijacks all of Zemanta’s balloon links. You probably won’t be able to see Zemanta links now, but I’ll be posting a full comparative review of the two services tonight or tomorrow on ReadWriteWeb.

Test: Pablo Picasso

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I Never Unfollow Anyone or Unsubscribe to Anything

Robert Scoble dumped 100k Twitter friends this week and says the improved signal to noise ratio has changed his life. I’m happy for him, but would never do that myself. (Note that I don’t have 100k friends or followers anywhere other than as a member of the ReadWriteWeb team and I don’t have to worry about the Direct Message spam on Twitter that he has had to deal with.)

I’m a big believer in oversubscibing and then creating groups based on priority and context. The people, feeds, or other sources in the big bulk group? That’s where all the more serendipity comes in; where I meet people and sources. I don’t worry about reading all that river of news, I just dip my head in it when I can. The really high-priority stuff, like the people Scoble is now choosing to follow back manually, I’ll put in a folder or a column or some place where I can read all of it. I think he’s going to miss out on the big public space that was his former list of friends, though. His wisdom about who’s worth listening to at all can’t help but fall short of the wisdom of fate, of the stream. That’s how I see it.

I’m here on Twitter, come be my friend. I might friend you back. Once I do, you’ll stay somewhere in my brain forever, too.